
The article substantiates a balanced system of indicators as a tool for strategic planning of beet and sugar production enterprises development. The main results and trends of sugar beet production in Ukraine in the last two marketing years are summarized, the positive dynamics of which is not sustainable, which requires the use of the latest tools of strategic management from the industry. The characteristic features of the development of domestic enterprises of sugar beet production are systematized, in particular seasonal production, non-compliance of production processes and consumption of products, imperfection of economic relations between sugar beet plants and sugar factories, the possibility of production of a wide range of products (sugar and related products), high dependence on investments and innovative products, the formation of final economic results depends on the efficiency of beet and processing of sugar beets, etc. Dedicated as other specific features of the business structures of sugar beet production as an object of management, which are open systems, requires the establishment of appropriate tools for strategic management. The approaches of domestic and foreign theory and practice to the understanding of the balanced system of indicators and the formation of an appropriate list of indicators for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the efficiency of the business structures of sugar beet production are summarized. It is proved that in the practice of sugar beet farms and sugar factories, the evaluation of the efficiency of beet and sugar production enterprises is mainly carried out according to the financial and economic system and the group of technical and technological indicators. The expediency of evaluating the effectiveness of sugar beet production structures on the basis of a balanced control system is substantiated, which allows to objectively establish the contribution of each of the participants in the sugar-based chain in creating the value. It was clarified that in order to strengthen the innovative development of beet and sugar industry it is expedient to introduce a technological platform tool that will combine the efforts of business, state and science, which will accelerate the development of measures to ensure food security, which will promote the efficient use of molasses for energy production, will increase efficiency sugar beet production and reduce the harmful effects on the environment. The technological, raw, organizational, managerial and institutional features of sugar beet production enterprises in the aspect of management of basic and auxiliary business processes are revealed. It is determined that a balanced system of indicators is a tool for providing enterprise information management system, which allows to develop well-grounded strategies for the development of business structures. It is proved that the concept of a balanced system of indicators is an instrument of a strategic accounting system, the main purpose of which is to provide the function of collecting, systematizing and analyzing information, which is the basis for the development and adoption of managerial decisions. We believe that in determining the rational composition of the balanced system of indicators, it is expedient to use a resource-functional and competency approach that should lead to an increase in the overall development of a modern beet-and-sugar production enterprise and to identify promising directions for its development. It is proposed to include in the classical complex of the balanced system of indicators the block in the direction of "Innovations and Investments", since ensuring the competitiveness of beet and sugar production enterprises in the current conditions is achieved provided their innovation and investment support their activities. It is substantiated that the indicators of the given group will allow to assess the level of innovation of the enterprise and to identify existing or strategic competences for successful development. We have proposed a modified balanced system of indicators for the strategic management of beet and sugar production enterprises. It is proved that in order to develop substantiated corporate, competitive and functional strategies for the development of enterprises of the investigated industry on the basis of a balanced system of indicators for its composition it is expedient to include the following blocks: financial, business processes, clients, personnel, innovation and investment. The following principles were used in substantiating the complex of indicators of a balanced system for the enterprises of the investigated branch, namely: complexity, relevance, dynamism, economic and informational accessibility, taking into account branch features. Key words: beet sugar production, added value, efficiency, investments, innovations, financial resources.


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