
Abstract. The paper examines the results of the comparative analysis of the elemental and phase composition, defective substructure of a surface layer of 40Cr steel, subjected, fi rstly, to the irradiation with highintensity pulsed electron beam and, secondly, to the alloying by means of melting of fi lm (Cu) – substrate (40Cr steel) system, when irradiating with high-intensity pulsed electron beam. Evolution regularities of the structure of steel surface layer have been revealed in dependence on electron beam energy density. It has been shown that high-speed crystallization and the subsequent hardening of 40Cr steel leads to the formation of the modifi ed layer with the thickness up to 30 μm. The formation of cell structure in a surface layer has been revealed, average cell sizes increase from 240 nm to 500 nm at the growth of electron beam energy density from 10 J/cm2 to 20 J/cm2 (N = 10 imp.). The irradiation with high-intensity pulsed electron beam of fi lm (Cu) – substrate (40Cr steel) system is accompanied by the formation of a surface alloy with a hardening structure, hardened with nanodimensional copper particle extractions.


  • The paper examines the results of the comparative analysis of the elemental and phase composition, defective substructure of a surface layer of 40Cr steel, subjected, firstly, to the irradiation with highintensity pulsed electron beam and, secondly, to the alloying by means of melting of film (Cu) – substrate (40Cr steel) system, when irradiating with high-intensity pulsed electron beam

  • Evolution regularities of the structure of steel surface layer have been revealed in dependence on electron beam energy density

  • It has been shown that high-speed crystallization and the subsequent hardening of 40Cr steel leads to the formation of the modified layer with the thickness up to 30 μm

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Выявлено формирование в поверхностном слое ячеистой структуры, средние размеры ячеек увеличиваются от 240 до 500 нм при росте плотности энергии пучка электронов от 10 до 20 Дж/см2 (N = 10 имп.). Облучение высокоинтенсивным импульсным электронным пучком системы пленка (медь) – подложка (сталь 40Х) сопровождается формированием поверхностного сплава с закалочной структурой, упрочненной наноразмерными выделениями частиц меди.

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