
This article describes a model of an optical antenna array operating in the mode of receiving electromagnetic waves in the frequency range 30-300 THz (in this case, the wavelength varies from 10 ☐ m to 1 ☐m). In the course of numerical experiments (to solve the system of Maxwell equations in the integral formulation, the Weiland method [31] was used) the accuracy of approximation of the spatial structure of the optical field at the points of the “virtual” antenna array elements using the auxiliary field sources method was studied. A study was also carried out on the possibility of using a virtual antenna array formed on the plane of arrangement of elements of a real array to increase the resolution of a multichannel optical system. At the upper frequency of the analyzed range of 300 THz, the wavelength is 1 ☐m. The lattice period was chosen equal to half the minimum wavelength of d=0.5 ☐m, so that it was possible to approximate the spatial distribution of the field in the space between the elements of the antenna array, in accordance with the requirement of the Kotelnikov-Shannon theorem.

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