
Purpose: to experimentally substantiate effectiveness of pedagogic conditions of self-regulation culture formation of future physical culture teachers. Material: in the research 110 3rd year students of physical education faculty participated. The students were questioned. The level of students’ anxiety was assessed. Results: Implementation of the author’s course in educational process facilitated formation of students’ self-regulation skills and abilities; raises confidence and self estimation; influences positively on functional state. It was found that students acquire ability to consciously observe their own verbal constructs of negative thinking and create positive alternatives. Conclusions: preparing of future physical culture teachers stipulates his (her) ability to effectively fulfill professional functioning in the aspect of health preservation. The necessary conditions of self-regulation culture formation are formation of students’ holistic value-meaningful attitude to individual health and health of surrounding people.


  • Purpose: to experimentally substantiate effectiveness of pedagogic conditions of self-regulation culture formation of future physical culture teachers

  • The logic of building of training work implies students’ gradual mastering of the following: theoretical principles of human health and self-regulation; methodic of individual health assessment; practical skills of self-regulation, which can be used by future physical culture teachers in their professional functioning and everyday life

  • In formation of self-regulation skills special accent was made on teaching students to conscious observation of own verbal constructs of negative thinking and on techniques of positive alternatives’ construction

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Purpose: to experimentally substantiate effectiveness of pedagogic conditions of self-regulation culture formation of future physical culture teachers. Analysis of literature sources and the author’s many years’ experience in system of higher pedagogic education permits to speak about urgency of this problem This problem is conditioned by contradiction between society’s demand in physical culture teachers and insufficient level of scientifically substantiated approaches to formation of pupils’, students’ and teachers’ self-regulation culture [3, 5, 8, and 11]. The logic of building of training work implies students’ gradual mastering of the following: theoretical principles of human health and self-regulation; methodic of individual health assessment; practical skills of self-regulation, which can be used by future physical culture teachers in their professional functioning and everyday life. Do you think that self-regulation techniques can help you to better regulate own psychic and physical condition in everyday life?

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