
Modern varieties of white lupin can be an alternative to soy in overcoming vegetable protein deficiency: to produce or import? Unlike soybeans, lupin seeds do not contain trypsin inhibitors; they don’t need heat treatment to be used in feed. Lupin has a high attachment of beans. It is drought-resistant, adapted to environmental conditions with insufficient moisture. The formation of seedlings is a critical period in the ontogeny of lupin, preceding sprouting. At this time, parameters of seedlings such as the speed and vigor, density, distribution uniformity on the soil surface are determined. The objective is to determine the dynamic characteristics of seedlings of white and blue lupin seeds by alterations in the wet and dry weight of the seedling and its individual organs in laboratory and field experiments. In the laboratory experiments, seeds of white and blue lupins were germinated on sifted and calcined sand, moistened to 80% of the total moisture capacity at 20 oC. On the 4th and 7th days, the wet and dry weight per 100 seedlings, morphological alterations in the seedling bodies and their mass were determined, as well as the expenditure of seed reserve nutrients for the formation of seedlings was calculated. In field experiment, the same parameters of seedlings were determined, considering their laboratory germination (according to the number of viable seeds per 1 m row). The formation features of seedlings of white and blue lupins in laboratory and field experiments have been studied. The certain features influencing the parameters of seedlings in field during the critical sowing-seedlings” period have been determined.

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