
The contradiction between the objective need for the formation of research competence of undergraduates, on the one hand, and the low level of this competence of a significant part of graduates of the Master’s degree course ‘pedagogical education’, on the other makes this topic rather challenging. The aim of the study is to develop and justify the didactic conditions that contribute to the effective formation of research competence of undergraduates in the course of studying the module ‘Methodology and methods of pedagogical research’. Methods of research are empirical (pedagogical experiment, testing to determine the level of development of research competence), theoretical (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, etc.), methods of mathematical data processing. A set of didactic conditions that contribute to increasing the efficiency of forming the research competence of undergraduates in the process of studying the discipline ‘Methodology and methods of pedagogical research’ is singled out and experimentally substantiated. The results of the research can be used by high school teachers working with undergraduates to improve the teaching and educational process in order to form a productive-activity position among the learners in teaching (through an integrative combination of different forms of problem-project training in the course of classroom and self-directed work of students) that fosters the development of experience in the design and implementation of research activities.

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