
Introduction. In this article we aim to identify common patterns and specifications of the state institutions development in the self-proclaimed states in the South-East of Ukraine named Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (the DPR, the LPR). Materials and methods. For the first time we described the models of public administration and bureaucracy in the DPR and the LPR, and then we compared them with the systems of Russia and the Ukraine using the case study method, classification, comparative legal analysis and best practices identi­fication. Results of the study. We proved that state-building in the unrecognized states of Donbas moves towards democratization: the role of the armed forces is reduced as well as the concentration of power, and democratic freedoms are expanded. The organization of the public authorities in the self-proclaimed re­publics is similar to the system of the Ukraine (e.g.: unicameral parliament and unitary system), but the public service is built according the Russian model. Discussion and conclusions. The DPR and the LPR passed legal acts and adopted the system of executive bodies, which are not yet available in Russia. The LPR’s experience in using annual reports of civil servants for their certification, control, analysis of the distribution of official duties, and performance improvement is of significant interest. The service ethics in the LPR is formalized in the Code of Civil Servants’ Conduct which has a higher legal status than the General Principles of Service Conduct that exists in the civil service of Russia.


  • In this article we aim to identify common patterns and specifications of the state institutions development in the self-proclaimed states in the South-East of Ukraine named Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics

  • For the first time we described the models of public administration and bureaucracy in the DPR and the LPR, and we compared them with the systems of Russia and the Ukraine using the case study method, classification, comparative legal analysis and best practices identification

  • We proved that statebuilding in the unrecognized states of Donbas moves towards democratization: the role of the armed forces is reduced as well as the concentration of power, and democratic freedoms are expanded

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Георгий Борщевский*

Статья направлена на выявление общих закономерностей и особенностей развития государственных институтов в самопровозглашенных государствах Юго-Востока Украины – Донецкой и Луганской народных республиках (ДНР, ЛНР). Автор впервые в отечественной научной периодике предпринял попытку описания сложившихся в ДНР и ЛНР моделей государственного управления, сопоставил их с аналогичными системами России и Украины. Государственные институты непризнанных республик пока еще находятся в стадии становления, их правовой статус и система государственного администрирования лишь формируются, что накладывает объективное ограничение на возможности их научного изучения. Примером подобного может служить появление непризнанных квазигосударственных формирований – Луганской и Донецкой народных республик (ЛНР, ДНР), дистанцирующихся от Киева и стремящихся создать свои собственные суверенные государственные институты. Несмотря на отсутствие их официального признания со стороны России, на официальном уровне принято, тем не менее, решение о признании в Российской Федерации документов, выданных администрациями самопровозглашенных республик[3].

Луганская Народная Республика
Результаты исследования
Главы ДНР циальной политики
Materials and methods
Discussion and conclusions
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