
Introduction. The process of professional identity formation of the population is one of the most important problems of the modern society; however, the same problem in persons with intellectual incapacity acquires special relevance due to the fact that the specificity and characteristics of their psychophysical development “leave a stamp” on their professional choice. The purpose of the research is to develop the structure and content of the process of professional identity formation in adolescents with intellectual incapacity. Materials and methods. The experimental research was carried out as based on the municipal state-funded educational institution “Yelets School No. 19” and the governmental state-funded educational institution “Yelets Specialised Boarding School” of Lipetsk region. The experiment involved 40 adolescent children with disabilities (intellectual incapacity) aged 13-16. Research methods: “Assessment of propensity to various spheres of professional activity” (L.A. Yovaysha), “Interests chart” (A.E. Golomshtok), “My future profession” (R.P. Karpilina), differential diagnostic questionnaire (A.E. Klimov), “Motives for choosing a profession” (R.V. Ovcharova), modified by the authors in accordance with the conditions of the experiment. Results. The quality analysis of the results obtained in the course of the research made it possible to characterise the level-specific structure of the explored group with intellectual incapacity (30% – average, 70% – below the average). The research revealed the ill-preparedness of the adolescents with intellectual incapacity for professional identity formation. This is expressed in lack of interest to choosing a profession, expressed by 67% of the respondents, poor awareness of the existing professional activity areas (49%), inability to assess own practical skills in professional labour that might cause their interest (70%), lack of motivation in choosing a profession and poor assessment of compliance of their health resource with the requirements of a chosen specialty (77%). Conclusion. The model of professional identity formation in adolescents with intellectual incapacity, developed by the authors, made it possible to describe the explored process as an integral structure. The introduction of the model into practical use will help to implement – in the organisational and technological aspect – the activities aimed at professional identity formation of the specified category of persons.

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