
The possible formation of population gene pools of zoonotic viruses with a respiratory route of transmission anda possibility of a pandemic at different stages of biosphere evolution is analyzed. Forming of Poxviruses (Entomopoxvirinae) gene pool could be the beginning of transformation from Plants to Arthropoda (Carbon - 375million years ago) with further evolution connected with Rodentia (Pliocene - 75-70 million years ago) and furtherseparation of genera (500-300 thousand years ago), and respiratory transmission (epidemics) between humans(10-2 thousand years BC). Smallpox comeback would be possible. Orthomyxoviruses relicts (genus Isavirus)were possibly connected with Ichthya (Silurian - 500-410 million years ago), and then close interaction with Aves(the Cretaceous, 125-110 million years ago) with the division of genera and respiratory transmission (epidemics)between humans (10-2 thousand BC). Next pandemic of influenza A could be catastrophic in terms of the numberof victims and economic damage.Coronaviruses formed a gene pool by interaction with Amphibia (subfamily Letovirinae) and then with Chiropterain Tertiary (110-75 million years ago) with transformation to Artiodactyla (Eocene - 70-60 million years ago),and only 10-2 thousand years BC acquired the ability to a respiratory transmission and became Alphaviruses,a seasonal infection of humans. A similar situation is possible in the near future with SARS-CoV-2. Pandemicsassociated with zoonoses even more serious than COVID-19 are likely. Constant monitoring of populational gene pools of zoonotic viruses is necessary.


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  • Million years ago) with further evolution connected with Rodentia (Pliocene – 75–70 million years ago) and further separation of genera (500–300 thousand years ago), and respiratory transmission between humans (10–2 thousand years BC)

  • Coronaviruses formed a gene pool by interaction with Amphibia and with Chiroptera in Tertiary (110–75 million years ago) with transformation to Artiodactyla (Eocene – 70–60 million years ago), and only 10–2 thousand years BC acquired the ability to a respiratory transmission and became Alphaviruses, a seasonal infection of humans

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Формирование популяционного генофонда потенциально угрожающих биобезопасности зоонозных вирусов. Реликты ортомиксовирусов (род Isavirus), возможно, были связаны с рыбами (Ichthya) (силур, 500–400 млн лет назад), а затем их эволюция была тесно связана с птицами (меловой период, 135–110 млн лет назад) с разделением на роды и респираторной передачей среди людей c эпидемическим распространением Formation of population gene pools of zoonotic viruses, potentially threatening biosafety. N.F Gamaleya National Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation, Moscow, 123098, Russia; 2Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Federal Scientific Center VIEV», 109428, Moscow, Russia The possible formation of population gene pools of zoonotic viruses with a respiratory route of transmission and a possibility of a pandemic at different stages of biosphere evolution is analyzed. For citation: Lvov D.K., Gulyukin M.I., Zaberezhniy A.D., Gulyukin F.V. Formation of gene pools of zoonotic viruses, potentially threatening biosafety. Scheme of stages* of the evolution of biosphere and its possible influence on viral gene pools

Третичный Палеоген Палеоцен
Плиоцен Плейстоцен
Начало перехода голосеменных растений на сушу
Background representatives of biosphere and their predecessors
Deltacoronavirus Andecovirus
Летучие мыши
Распространение Distribution
Наличие кандидата в вакцинные процедуры Availability of vaccine candidate
Rhabdoviridae Iridoviridae Herpesviridae
Vertebrata человек Homo
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