
The conditions for the formation of planets and brown dwarfs around single main-sequence stars are considered in two scenarios. The formation of planets and brown dwarfs requires that the initial specific angular momentum of a solar-mass protostar be (0.32)×1018 cm2/s. The accreted matter of the protostar envelope forms a compact gas ring (disk) around the young star. If the viscosity of the matter in this ring (disk) is small, increasing its mass above a certain limit results in gravitational instability and the formation of a brown dwarf. If the viscosity of the gas is sufficiently large, the bulk of the protostar envelope material will be accreted by the young star, and the gas disk will grow considerably to the size of a protoplanetary dust disk due to the conservation of angular momentum. The formation of dust in the cool part of the extended disk and its subsequent collisional coalescence ultimately results in the formation of solar-type planetary systems.

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