
Abstract. This paper presents the results of theoretical research regarding issues related to the formation of organisational knowledge at modern enterprises. This organisational knowledge has some peculiarities, as discussed in the paper. The emergence of organisational knowledge and its collective character is determined in many ways by internal communications.The main purpose of the research is to identify types of internal communication strategies as a basis of organisational knowledge formation at enterprises.Four types of enterprise internal communication strategies defining the peculiarities of exchange and spread of knowledge among employees are set out: the supporting formally-documentary internal communication strategy, the network information-technological internal communication strategy, the engaging socially oriented internal communication strategy and the integrative knowledge-producing internal communication strategy.The research results confirmed that there are different approaches to defining the factors contributing to knowledge sharing. When working out measures to manage internal organisational communications at enterprises it is reasonable to single out two aspects: socio-psychological and informational-technological. The author suggests management arrangements to provide the transition from other types of internal communication strategies to the integrative knowledge-producing strategy.Keywords: socio-psychological and information-technological aspects of internal communications, Ukraine, knowledge sharing, internal communication strategies, organisational knowledge of enterprises.JEL classification: J24, M53IntroductionModern scientists researching in the sphere of socio-economic processes assert that the most acceptable present-day model of development for many countries is the society of knowledge that has a knowledge economy as its significant part.Today we have a number of key indicators which reflect the level of development of knowledge economies. One of them is the Knowledge Economy Index (KEI), according to which Ukraine occupies the 56th place in the list of 146 countries involved in the research (The World Bank Group, 2013). Ukraine's position in the world rating shows the necessity of searching out effective ways to develop a knowledge economy. First of all it is advisable to define 'knowledge economy', or 'knowledge-based economy'. According to the OECD (1996, p.7) 'knowledge-based economies' are those 'economies which are directly based on the production, distribution and use of knowledge and information', and in which knowledge distribution through formal and informal networks is very essential to economic performance. Dzunic, Boljanovic and Subotic (2012, p. 302) note that the transition to a knowledge economy depends on people who can effectively and efficiently manage knowledge; who can create, keep, share and combine knowledge in organisations; integrate knowledge in products and services and do all this faster than their competitors. All these processes take place in organizations and at enterprises. Brinkley (2008) says that enterprises, as core economic actors, play the decisive role in the development of a knowledge economy. Taking this into account it is possible to say that the introduction of knowledge formation and management technologies into the practical activities of enterprises and organisations will contribute to the active transition of Ukraine to the model of knowledge economy.This paper is focused on the formation of organisational knowledge at the enterprise level. The basic differences of organisational knowledge from individual knowledge are its collective character and involvement in the business processes of an organisation. The majority of researchers emphasized these differences as key. The involvement of organisational knowledge in business processes determines the basic sense and purpose of this knowledge. …

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