
This article is devoted to the history of the formation and development of modern Korean culture. The article, first of all, reveals the concept of the terms "culture", "mass culture" and "modern culture", and provides conclusions about the fact that culture is an indicator, the so-called measure of consciousness and values ​​of a person and society as a whole. Mass culture, in turn, has become the leading cultural form and, under the influence of globalization processes, it has become a global phenomenon. Through cultural integration, the exchange of customs, traditions, art, and technologies with each other and their modification in accordance with modern views and values, modern culture is formed, which opens up new areas of research for scientists. The paper also discusses the relevance of this topic, the features of the formation of traditional Korean culture, and the factors that influenced its transformation and transformation into one of the areas of modern mass culture. Before considering the modern phenomenon, the study provides a brief history of the gradual development of culture from ancient times to the present day. The paper also cites a number of scholarly historians, culturologists-Korean studies, both Uzbek and foreign, and their scientific works in the field of Korean studies, and based on their analysis, this study was carried out. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the modern phenomenon of the cultural wave of South Korea - Hallyu, its economic content, state policy aimed at supporting and developing Korean culture, and territorial popularization, as a phenomenon that is a unique interweaving of opposite principles: traditional Eastern (Confucian) and Western cultural values, finding its connoisseurs all over the world, including in Uzbekistan, as a universal culture. The peculiarity and novelty of this phenomenon are also that, unlike neighboring Eastern cultures such as Chinese, Japanese or Indian, representing a person, first of all, a picture of the traditional classical era pops up before his eyes, in the case of Korea, more popular representation of the current modern post-industrial era. The people of South Korea managed to find a balance of traditions and innovations that best meets the requirements of the modern development of the country.

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