
In modern conditions of great scientific and practical interest is the study of historical experience of legal regulation of land relationsin the Volyn province as part of the Russian Empire (1793–1917), which will help to understand and highlight the basics of historicaldevelopment of legal regulation of land relations in Ukraine. The study and generalization of this historical and legal experience will make it possible to use certain achievements to clarify the origins of national land law. Historical and legal research of this topicwill contribute to a deeper understanding of the protection of property rights and the peculiarities of its legal regulation, increase theefficiency of the institution of property rights at the present stage of establishment of the Ukrainian state.The article is devoted to the characteristics of the formation of legal regulation of land relations in the Volyn province as part ofthe Russian Empire (1793–1917).The author notes that in land relations in Volyn as part of the Russian Empire (late XVIII – early XX centuries.) There were certainfeatures not typical of other Ukrainian regions: there were strong influences of Polish law, which could not be completely eliminatedfrom practical application; in Volyn, local customary law, designed to regulate land relations (from purchase and sale to inheritance),had a strong influence; significant role in the economic and social life of the region was played by large landowners.It is concluded that in the early twentieth century. the largest amount of land in the Volyn province was owned by large landow -ners (including German and Czech colonists), while the peasantry, which was the largest group of the population of the then Volyn,owned a small amount of land. At that time there was an evolution of land relations in the countryside, resulting in a reduction in thenumber of landed estates and social stratification of the peasantry.So, in the land legal relations in Volyn as a part of the Russian Empire (the end of the XVIII – the beginning of the XX century)certain peculiarities were observed, which were not peculiar to other Ukrainian regions.


  • In modern conditions of great scientific and practical interest is the study of historical experience of legal regulation of land relations in the Volyn province as part of the Russian Empire (1793–1917), which will help to understand and highlight the basics of historical development of legal regulation of land relations in Ukraine

  • Historical and legal research of this topic will contribute to a deeper understanding of the protection of property rights and the peculiarities of its legal regulation, increase the efficiency of the institution of property rights at the present stage of establishment of the Ukrainian state

  • Найбільша кількість землі на території Волинської губернії перебувала у власності великих землевласників, натомість селянство, яке становило найбільшу групу населення тогочасної Волині, володіло незначною кількістю землі

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Деякі питання щодо становлення правового регулювання земельних відносин у Волинській губернії в складі Російської імперії (1793–1917) вивчали такі українські вчені, як М.В. В якому автор на підставі історичних джерел розкрив, зокрема різні аспекти земельної власності у Волинській губернії в складі Російської імперії. Розкриття характерних рис становлення правового регулювання земельних відносин у Волинській губернії в складі Російської імперії (1793–1917). Становлення правового регулювання земельних відносин у Волинській губернії в складі Російської...

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