
One of the key tasks of the current government is to develop the regions and strengthen their economic potential. One of the most important factors of economic growth is investment. For Ukraine, which is in a crisis pit, the issue of attracting foreign investments is especially important and relevant, as they have a significant impact on the economic development of the country. At the same time, the largest degradation in Ukraine today is investment activity, which is also due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Deterioration of the investment climate, the possibilities of budgets at all levels, the decline in business activity of economic entities have led to a difficult state of the investment sphere.
 The article analyzes the investment attractiveness of the regions of Ukraine. A special role is focused on the factors (positive and negative) that affect the formation of the investment climate of the regions: positive - geographical location, labor resources; negative - unfavorable climate and corruption.
 One of the indicators that reflects the stable economic development of certain sectors of the economy, as well as the country's economy as a whole is the investment potential of the regions. The investment and foreign economic policy of Ivano-Frankivsk UТС is analyzed, which is aimed at improving the image at the regional and international levels, promoting a significant increase in domestic and foreign investment in economic development, the implementation of active information and promotional activities.
 In the city, foreign investment is about 580 million dollars. US dollars, of which almost 80 million dollars. USA - loan capital. During the study, we analyzed the largest enterprises in Ivano-Frankivsk, including foreign investment, LLC “Electrolux Ukraine”, LLC “Tyco Electronics Ukraine Limited”, SE VO “Karpaty” (Delphi project), LLC “Imperial Foods”.
 The method of expert assessments indicates promising areas of business development of Ivano-Frankivsk UТС. In the course of the research we suggested ways to improve the investment attractiveness of Ivano-Frankivsk UТС.


  • INTRODUCTIONInvestment potential is the main condition for the formation of the investment climate in the region

  • In the course of the research we suggested ways to improve the investment attractiveness of Ivano-Frankivsk UТС

  • Investment potential is the main condition for the formation of the investment climate in the region

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Investment potential is the main condition for the formation of the investment climate in the region. Much attention is paid to the study of the essence of the investment potential of the region, in general, domestic economists do not have a specific understanding of the essence of the “investment potential of the region” of a single position on the interpretation of this complex economic category. In scientific works we often see attempts of some authors to define the investment potential of the region as “compliance of the region with the main goals of investors, which are profitability, risk-free and liquidity of investments” [11]; “The level of satisfaction of financial, production, organizational and other requirements or interests of the investor in a particular region” [12]. A. Asaul in his work gives the following definition: “the position of the region at one time or another, the trends of its development are reflected in investment activity” [1]. Dyachenko consider investment potential as a financial and economic indicator, and as a model of quantitative and qualitative indicators - assessments of the external environment (political, economic, social, legal) and internal positioning of the object in the external environment [4]

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