
The reactivity of interstellar carbon atoms (C) on water-dominated ices is one of the possible ways to form interstellar complex organic molecules (iCOMs). In this work, we report a quantum chemical study of the coupling reaction of C (3P) with an icy water molecule, alongside possible subsequent reactions with the most abundant closed-shell frozen species (NH3, CO, CO2, and H2), atoms (H, N, and O), and molecular radicals (OH, NH2, and CH3). We found that C reacts spontaneously with the water molecule, resulting in the formation of 3C–OH2, a highly reactive species due to its triplet electronic state. While reactions with the closed-shell species do not show any reactivity, reactions with N and O form CN and CO, respectively, the latter ending up in methanol upon subsequent hydrogenation. The reactions with OH, CH3, and NH2 form methanediol, ethanol, and methanimine, respectively, upon subsequent hydrogenation. We also propose an explanation for methane formation observed in experiments through additions of H to C in the presence of ices. The astrochemical implications of this work are: (i) atomic C on water ice is locked into 3C–OH2, making difficult the reactivity of bare C atoms on icy surfaces, contrary to what is assumed in current astrochemical models; and (ii) the extraordinary reactivity of 3C–OH2 provides new routes toward the formation of iCOMs in a nonenergetic way, in particular ethanol, the mother of other iCOMs once it is in the gas phase.

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