
The article highlights the problem related to the formation of inclusive competence of future teachers of Physical Culture. The analysis of scientific sources, which covered the category "inclusive competence”, was presented. The content of the concept "inclusion" has been clarified as a complex and systematic process of ensuring equal access to quality education (at all levels) for children with special educational needs by designing a system of their education in institutions of general secondary education on the basis of the use of personality-oriented teaching methods, taking into account the individual characteristics of the educational and cognitive activities of such students. It has been determined that markers of the modern inclusive educational environment can be associated with: teachers’ understanding of the need to apply various didactic approaches, taking into account different styles of learning, temperament and personal characteristics of certain categories of children; adaptation of educational (didactic, methodological) materials; the use of various algorithms for differentiating children by the level of their cognitive activity and educational prospects. On the basis of the study of the leading scientists’ viewpoints, the concept of inclusive competence of a teacher of Physical Culture was specified in this formulation: a system of specialist’s formed knowledge of various ways of implementing the principles of inclusion in education and his/her health-saving capabilities; professionally determined skills in the context of developing methods of physical education intended for students with special educational needs; teacher's instructions on creating a barrier-free educational environment, as an organic space for the coexistence of children with "normative" development and children with specific features of physical, emotional and mental health. The directions of positive influence on the formation of inclusive competence of future Physical Culture teachers in the pedagogical university are formulated as follows: saturation of the system of professional training aimed at future teachers of Physical Culture with inclusive content, by means of enhancing the significance of inclusive educational practices for the health of the younger generation; activation of students’ independent work to develop individual models of physical education of students with special educational needs without violating the logic and organics of the traditional system of physical education; updating the motivational guidance of future teachers to implement the principles of inclusion in physical education.

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