
The observed physical properties and orbits of giant planets, models of their internal structure and observations of protoplanetary disks provide constraints on the formation of gas giant planets. The four largest planets in our Solar System contain considerable quantities of hydrogen and helium; these gasses could not have condensed into solid planetesimals within the protoplanetary disk. Jupiter and Saturn are mostly hydrogen and helium, but have larger percentages of heavier elements than does the Sun. Neptune and Uranus are primarily composed of elements heavier than helium. The transiting extrasolar planet HD 149026 b, which is slightly more massive than is Saturn, appears to have comparable amounts of light gases and heavy elements. The other observed transiting exoplanets are primarily hydrogen and helium, but may contain supersolar abundances of heavy elements. Spacecraft flybys and observations of satellite orbits provide estimates of the gravitational moments of the giant planets in our Solar System, which in turn provide information on the internal distribution of matter within Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Atmospheric thermal structure and heat flow measurements constrain the interior temperatures of these planets. Extrasolar planets orbiting very close to their stars almost certainly formed at larger distances and migrated inwards as a consequence of gravitational interactions with their protoplanetary disks. The preponderance of evidence supports the core nucleated gas accretion model. According to this model, giant planets begin their growth by the accumulation of small solid bodies, as do terrestrial planets. However, unlike terrestrial planets, the giant planet cores grow massive enough to accumulate substantial amounts of gas before the protoplanetary disk dissipates. The primary question regarding the core nucleated growth model is under what conditions can planets develop cores sufficiently massive to accrete gas envelopes within the lifetimes of typical gaseous protoplanetary disks.

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