
The author believes that under current complicated international environment there has been a great demand in specialists having updated knowledge in their profession, high morality and patriotism. In terms of legal education, the most important tasks it faces now are the formation of professional legal skills and devotion to Motherland. The author shares the results of her pedagogical experience according to which the enhancing of top-notch legal skills has been achieved through the development of critical and analytical thinking and focusing on modelling the interactive legal situations. Those ones have been produced by means of the application of the latest innovations in psycholinguistics such as audio- and videofiles and podcasts. The author proceeds with highlighting the importance of the choice of the criteria of estimation of the pedagogical results. According to the author those most relevant aspects are pursuing of innovative ways to solving acute legal and international problems, taking into account socio-personal component, knowledge of the fast-changing international legal situation as well as fluency in foreign languages. Having in arsenal such tools and applying the above-mentioned integral approach, the country is sure to meet any challenges it is facing nowadays.

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