
One of the main goals of Russia’s domestic policy until 2030 is to increase the welfare of the people. However, today there is no single approach to assessing the level of wellbeing. There are also no specific criteria according to which this level can be objectively assessed. This problem requires the creation of such a tool as the standard of well-being. The development, implementation of mechanisms for the implementation and development of the concept of the standard of well-being, its meaning and content is currently an urgent task not only for the scientific community of Russia, but also for representatives of the authorities and the public. The article presents current trends and processes for 2023 related to the elaboration and promotion of the standard of well-being in the Russian Federation. The accumulated experience and initiatives are reviewed, as well as some new ideas and proposals. The purpose of the study is to analyze the current situation and develop recommendations for a further strategy for implementing the well-being standard. The basis of this work is an analysis of the successful experience of both various regions of the Russian Federation and the international community. The study shows that the standard of well-being is an achievable goal and an effective mechanism in the presence of a scientific base and systematic work on the implementation of its constituent elements. The introduction of the well—being standard will contribute to improving the level, quality of life and life satisfaction of Russian citizens, respect for their legitimate rights, and ultimately – the development of the country.

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