
The scientific article presents a theoretical analysis of the psychological and pedagogical issue of forming ideas about the family in adolescents with mild intellectual disabilities. The article is devoted to an actual and important problem of forming perceptions about a family by teenagers with mild intellectual disorders. It is determined that afterschool stage socialization of graduates from specialized educational institutions and their realization as family members are not enough studied. The works of scientists who have covered this problem are analyzed and summarized. The relevance of the study is determined by the mental development of this category of people and the low level of culture of relationships in many families where these adolescents are raised, which further prevents them from forming a positive image of relationships between family members. The aim of the article is to analyze the theoretical information on the problem of forming ideas about the family in adolescents with intellectual disabilities and to study the state of work on the upbringing for future families in special educational institutions. To achieve this goal, a theoretical analysis and generalization of the results of the study of scientific psychological and pedagogical publications was carried out. According to the results, the article reveals the meaning of the concept of «family idea», analyzes its main components: cognitive, emotional and behavioral. The results of researches of scientists on the specified problem are generalized. It has been determined that the correction of each component of family perception is a prerequisite for successful independent family life of adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Relevant aspects of this problem have been defined. Theoretically, it is established that the formation of ideas about family life in a special education institution is an important condition for positive experience of creating their own family for people with intellectual disabilities.

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