
The propagation of acceleration waves in radiation-magneto gas dynamic flow which is induced by the motion of a piston advancing with finite acceleration into a constant state of rest has been studied along with the characteristic path by using the characteristics of the governing quasilinear system as the reference coordinate system. It is shown that a linear solution in the characteristic plane can exhibit nonlinear behaviour in the physical plane. A differential equation governing the growth and decay of an acceleration wave is derived. The critical time is obtained when all the characteristics will pile up at the wave front to form a shock wave. It is found that the effect of magnetic field on compressive waves which owe their origin to radiation is to cause an early shock formation, while on those of expansion waves which owe their origin to radiation the effect of magnetic field is to decrease the decay rate. However, the effect of coupling of radiation and magnetic field on waves (compressive) which are emanating from piston movement is to slow down the motion of a breakdown point and thus increase the cylindrical shock formation time, while on those of expansion waves, the effect is to enhance the decay rate.

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