
Today in the Russian Federation there are about 800 thousand drug addicts. And they are only those who cost on the corresponding account. By informal calculations about 6 million Russians permanently use drugs, at the same time average age of familiarizing with drugs in Russia doesnt reach 25 years. Cases of the drug use by children of 6-7 age are known. With drugs they are acquainted by parents – addicts. In this connection it is difficult to overestimate formation at future teacher of law of competences in prevention of not medical consumption of psychoactive substances (surfactants). The formation of these competencies allows to make a significant contribution to counteract the spread of ideas of loyal attitude to the use of psychoactive substances. As a result, they will serve as an effective mechanism for the formation of a healthy social environment in modern society. The purpose of article consists in scientific justification and allocation of criteria of formation at future law teachers of competence in the sphere of counteraction to not medical consumption surfactant at pupils and prevention of drug addiction in young people. In the article the factors actualising a problem of formation of counter-narcotics stability among young people are allocated and ways and means of formation of counter-narcotics competence of future law teachers are offered.

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