
The article analyzes the possibilities and results of the study of the formation of competitive advantages of the Russian economy and regions in industry due to new industrialization, which are based on the economic base of the country, which was confirmed by the analysis of the main economic indicators of the Russian industry for 2017–2021. A study of the prospects and results of the development of industrialization in the Voronezh region was conducted using statistical, expert and marketing methods, taking into account the long-term forecasts of the development of the region. It is shown that the new industrialization provides for the active expansion of markets for domestic products and the diversification of high-tech enterprises; the creation of investment projects for the construction and re-equipment of industrial production; expansion of infrastructure and support for the development of an industrial park, a special economic zone, a territory of advanced socio-economic development; increasing investments in fixed assets and solving import substitution issues, which will lead to an improvement in the quality of life of the population of the region by eliminating unemployment. A great contribution to the achievement of the indicators of the region was achieved thanks to a set of measures implemented during the implementation of the strategic project "New Industrialization". Industrial production in 2021 increased by 15.2% compared to 2019, including in the manufacturing sector - by 14.6%. Positive dynamics of the industry of the Voronezh region in 2020–2021. also provided state support measures, such as the lifting of severe restrictions during the self-isolation regime. An important role in the growth of the industry of the region was played by enterprises of a continuous cycle - Minudobreniya, the plant of semiconductor devices Mikron and Voronezhsintezkauchuk, an enterprise of the Sibur holding.

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