
The general issues of competitiveness of transnational corporations have been considered. Research of the problem of competitiveness of Russian transnational corporations on the world market and the formation of their competitive advantages for sustainable development in a globalized economy has been сonducted. The author’s interpretation of the concept of “enterprise competitiveness” has been proposed.In a global liberalized economy, transnational corporations have the opportunity to influence geopolitical issues in international trade and employment, as well as dictate their own rules. The constant increase in the level of competitiveness of a small group of transnational corporations has been noted in the article, the format of competition in industry and regional markets is often oligopolistic. Building a true global strategy for the development of transnational corporations and obtaining a competitive advantage by them is impossible without sufficient knowledge of current trends in globalization: globalization of the market, globalization of costs, globalization of competition, globalization of government policies. The methods of obtaining competitive advantages of transnational corporations have been adduced and сharacterized.For Russian transnational corporations, the issue of their competitiveness is very acute in the markets of rapidly turning goods or in the markets of new technologies. Factors, hindering the growth of the competitiveness of Russian corporations: incorrect corporate policies, leading to inefficiency of personnel motivation, corporate culture, inconsistency with international standards, incorrect alignment of the global strategy, lack of reciprocity principles and correct negotiation. This creates a negative image of the company, which affects its position, and subsequently its competitiveness. Competitiveness is one of the most important factors for ensuring the sustainable development of the economy of Russian corporations. The criteria for assessing sustainability, the corporations should meet have been suggested.


  • The constant increase in the level of competitiveness of a small group of transnational corporations has been noted in the article

  • obtaining a competitive advantage by them is impossible without sufficient knowledge of current trends

  • И. Понятие и сущность ТНК//Вестник Тамбовского университета

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Глобаллизация конкуренции

– взаимосвязь национальных экономик; – глобальные конкуренты; – большие объемы экспорта, импорта. Повышение качества товара, обслуживания, определение привлекательных и выгодных для потребителя отличий товаров и услуг. В результате дифференциации на каждую единицу продукции увеличивается размер получаемой прибыли. Расширение ассортимента выпускаемой продукции или оказываемых услуг ведет к расширению сфер влияния, рынков сбыта и укреплению позиций как на национальном, так и на мировом рынке. Подразумевает снижение издержек с помощью наращивания объемов производства, то есть производство осуществляется в больших масштабах, создаются глобальные производственные системы. Необходимо отследить возможность увеличить производство там, где оно выгодно и сократить в местах, где убыточно. Корпоративного бренда, деловой репутации компании, узнаваемости торговой марки. Повышение эффективности внутреннего функционирования компании путем выстраивания системы взаимоотношений, общепринятых правил и принципов ведения деятельности, ориентация всего кадрового потенциала на результат компании

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