
The formation of microbiocenosis of the colon in 58 preterm infants with low and extremely low body weight at the stage of nursing in the Department of Pathology of Newborn and Premature Babies in the Vyzhletsov Arkhangelsk Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital has been studied from October 2009 till June 2011. There have been detected factors influencing formation of microecology of the studied habitat. By the time of discharge from the hospital, the colon microbiocenosis was not formed: a deficit of obligate microflora (bifidobacteria, lactoflora, E. coli) and a high level of enterococci were registered. The hospital stay contributed to contamination of the infants by S. aureus, Enterobacteriaceae and nonfermentative gram-negative microorganisms. The formation of the microbiocenosis was affected by duration of hospitalization, especially in the Intensive Care Unit, a type of feeding and biocorrection with probiotics.

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