
AbstractThe El Arenal metagabbros preserve coronitic shells of orthopyroxene ± Fe‐oxide around olivine, as well as three different types of symplectite consisting of amphibole + spinel, clinopyroxene + spinel and, more rarely, orthopyroxene + spinel. The textural features of the metagabbros can be explained by the breakdown of the olivine + plagioclase pair, producing orthopyroxene coronas and clinopyroxene + spinel symplectites, followed by the formation of amphibole + spinel symplectites, reflecting a decrease in temperature and, possibly, an increase in water activity with respect to the previous stage. The metagabbros underwent a complex P–T history consisting of an igneous stage followed by cooling in granulite, amphibolite and greenschist facies conditions. Although the P–T conditions of emplacement of the igneous protolith are still doubtful, the magmatic assemblage suggests that igneous crystallization occurred at a pressure lower than 6 kbar and at 900–1100 °C. Granulitic P–T conditions have been estimated at about 900 °C and 7–8 kbar combining conventional thermobarometry and pseudosection analysis. Pseudosection calculation has also shown that the formation of the amphibole + spinel symplectite could have been favoured by an increase in water activity during the amphibolite stage, as the temperature of formation of this symplectite strongly depends on aH2O (<740 °C for aH2O = 0.5; <790 °C for aH2O = 1). Furthermore, but not pervasive, re‐equilibration under greenschist facies P–T conditions is documented by retrograde epidote and chlorite. The resulting counterclockwise P–T path consists of progressive, nearly isobaric cooling from the igneous stage down to the granulite, amphibolite and greenschist stage.

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