
The article discusses the problem of forming the canonical structure of the territory database regarding the requirements for the reliability of obtaining spatial information. The canonical database structure is a minimal conceptual scheme. It can be obtained using a step-by-step procedure for combining users’ views of the data. A possible application of a formalized model and methods of pre-project analysis of structure of information flows and data processing technology is proposed. The methods application enables to give a formal description of the input, output and all intermediate arrays both in the analysis of the existing and the designed system; determine the procedures for transforming arrays in the process of forming the required output; determine the structure and select the technical means of the system; assess the quality characteristics of the system and choose the best option. In addition, an approach to the analysis of the structure of the projected data processing system is proposed. The approach enables to determine the necessary sequence of obtaining data items, which is simplified if the elements of the constructed reachability matrix are ordered by the levels (stages) of their processing. For this purpose, a reordered reachability matrix, a structured adjacency matrix and the corresponding graph of information relationships are constructed on the basis of the adjacency and reachability matrices. The graph of information relationships is used to refine input, intermediate and output data items, feedback loops, levels and sequence of data processing, which will allow creating a canonical structure of the territory database. In the future, it will be possible to obtain spatial information with high reliability on the basis of the proposed formalized model and methods of pre-project analysis of the structure of information flows and the technology of processing model data, and taking into account the peculiarities of the blockchain functioning.

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