
To study mechanisms of coal biosolubilization, this paper investigated the formation of black droplets on the surface of Sabouraud maltose agar (SMA) culture media through coal solubilisation by Hypocrea lixii AH. The black droplets were collected and weighted. Mycelia of Hypocrea lixii AH were characterized by (Full name is required before abbreviation) FTIR spectra and contact angles. The results showed that the first 9 days are black droplets permeation period, solubilized coal in coal pole keep place due to increase of polarity with mycelia aging. Moisture content of the black droplets was 96.4(±0.2) %, largely resulting in high-polarity property of the black droplets. Furthermore, the comparison on moisture contents of coal and black droplets indicated that the water content of black droplets were from the culture media and bio-oxidation instead of coal self.

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