
Relevance. The relevance of the study is determined by changes in science and trends in the social development of modern society, since there is an increase in the amount of scientific information in the information society. In the context of the informatization of science and education, an important role in the formation of common concepts about life and the organization of its stages. Purpose. This article explores ways of introducing biophysical concepts into the content of the biology course in the training process of university biology students in order to improve their biophysical knowledge, skills, and professional competence. Training in biology and physics in the experimental group were carried out based on a work program that provides an intersubject relation. Training in the control group was organized in the traditional form of lectures and practical classes. The experiment involved 104 second-, third- and fourth-year students enrolled in �5�011300 � Biology� and �5�011000 � Physics�. The experimental group (EG) consisted of 67 students, and the control group (CG) � of 37 students. The experiment was carried out in three stages. Methodology. The research process was carried out with the help of such research methods as monitoring during classes, analysis of the teacher�s actions and students� performance, dialogue between the teacher and students. Results. The study demonstrated that to achieve high performance in biology and physics among students at pedagogical higher education institutions, further improvements are needed in the developed methodology for integrating interdisciplinary relations between biology and physics to form biophysical concepts. Conclusions. There is a need to expand, supplement and systematize the content of biophysical concepts used in updated educational programs. In order to improve the biophysical knowledge of future specialists one should determine and systematize biophysical concepts in terms of the content of biological knowledge. Keywords: biophysics; biophysical knowledge; development; intersubject relation; concept �energy�

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