
We have found that the fo rmat ion of amines during the reducing fixation of ni t rogen can in a numb er of c a se s a lso occur d i rec t ly f r o m the a rom a t i c hydroca rbons . Thus N 2 r eac t s at 20~ with a mix ture of naphthalene and excess meta l l i c l i thium in t e t r ahydro fu ran to fo rm (after hydro lys i s of the reac t ion mixture) ammonia and smal l amounts of c_,-naphthylamine.* S imi la r ly , in the reac t ion of ni t rogen with l i thium and diphenyl, ammonia and a mix tu re of o and p-aminodiphenyls a re obtained. In the absence of naphthalene (or diphenyl) }42 undergoes a lmos t no reac t ion with Li under these conditions. The yie lds of amines and a m monia depend on the concent ra t ion of the a ro ma t i c hydroca rbon and on the mo la r ra t io of Li to hydrocarbon . F o r Li:naphthalene = 16:1, the yield of c~-naphthylamine is 0.2-0.3% based on naphthalene (naphthalene concent ra t ion 0.8 M, N 2 p r e s s u r e 100 arm).

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