
The article studies the features of fixing the legal mechanism of constitutional control in the first two constitutions of the USSR. The analysis is based on the study ofthe approaches taken by wellknown legal scholars during the drafting of these constitutional acts, as well as the views of modern Russian constitutionalists on the essence and national specificity of the implementation ofthe ideas of constitutional control as an integral part of thesystem of constitutional governance. On the basis of a comparative legal analysis, the article reveals the evolution of the mechanism of constitutional control from judicial control in the Constitution of the USSR of 1924 to formal parliamentary control in the Constitution of the USSR of 1936. While recognizing the importance of the institution of constitutional controlas a necessary element of constitutional governance, the authors conclude that the single-party political regime in the USSR had a destructive effecton the very idea of constitutional governance. Despite attempts to create Soviet constitutionalism as a universal way of involving society in social construction, the influence of party power negated the meaning ofthe Soviet Constitution. The formalization of the content of constitutionalism and federalism under the Soviet state regime contributed to a complete loss ofthe importance of constitutional justice in the USSR of the pre-war period.

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