
Characteristics of watermelon seed formation in intercropping were studied. Different growing methods of watermelon seeds depending on its interaction with intercrops (sugar maize and common bean) and their planting schemes in melon fields were investigated. The developed elements of the watermelon seed growing technology reduced the impact of high temperatures on this melon crop (the number of fruits with sunburn decreased by 7.1 % compared to control). The results of phenological observations and analysis of yield components, seed productivity and quality of Favoryt watermelon variety in the intercropping with sugar maize and common bean were presented. It was established that the developed elements of the watermelon growing technology in intercropping under high temperatures and low relative air humidity in the Northern Steppe of Ukraine increased of watermelon yield and the full-value seed formation. It was found that intercropping of watermelon with sweet corn under proper cultivation gave positive results (watermelon seed yield gain by 12.4 % and 0.7 t/ha ears of sweet maize in milky-wax ripeness were received additionally), and with common bean (watermelon seed yield gain by 8.9 % and additional 75 kg/ha of beans). Methods and planting schemes of watermelon and intercrops were established: sugar maize in the rows of watermelon according to scheme 2.8 x 1 m, common bean in the rows of watermelon according to scheme 1.4 x 0.5 m. It was found that under intercropping of watermelon with sweet maize the full-value seed yield per one fruit increased up to 88.5 %, and with common bean – to 84.9 %. Key words: watermelon, sugar maize, common bean, intercropping, seed yield.

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