
The results of modeling the effects of stochastic levels of sound speed on formation of the zonal structure of acoustic fields for the hydrologic and acoustic environment of the deep part of the Sea of Japan. Numerical experiment involved calculation of the vertical structure of acoustic fields at the ranges from 20 to 120 km with discontinuity equal to 50 m in beam zooming for the set values of random component of sound speed field. In accordance with calculation, analytical correlations of changing coordinates of the closest and the furthest borderlines of the first three convergence zones at emitter depth depending on the level of random component of sound speed field were determined. Changes in borderlines of convergence zones occur in accordance with linear law; this said, the closest borderlines shift towards the emitter and the furthest borderlines – away from it. The obtained results of analyzing changes in structure of vertical distribution of acoustic field at the borderlines of convergence zones can be applied for engineering the systems of underwater monitoring for detection of local disruptions of acoustic velocity field of various nature against natural stochastic parameters of water environment in the deep part of the Sea of Japan.

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