
The article discusses the main properties and features of continuous textile ornament, formed in the process of its changes during the change of historical periods. On the basis of concrete examples, the methods of its production are described, and the principles of its plastic organisation are outlined. Special attention is paid to the search for imagery in a continuous ornament based on the plastic connections of compositional construction. The text of the article analyses in detail the plant ornament of modernity, in which a continuous ornament is externally manifested in the form of an endless interweaving of leaves, shoots and flowers on the surface of the fabric, creating images of a blooming meadow, impenetrable swamps or jungles. The modern continuous ornament is considered in the context of stylistic changes of postmodernism and possibilities of computer technologies. The possibilities of improving continuous ornament by using new types of artificial and synthetic fabrics with effects arising from the peculiarities of weaving technologies are determined.

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