
The formation of arthrospores in Mucor rouxii was studied by transmission and scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. The arthrospores formed in a random manner in terminal and internal regions of the hyphae. The earliest appearance of the arthrospores was seen by scanning electron microscopy as compartments delineated by double ridges. These ridges probably corresponded to the site of septal wall formation. The elongated compartments varied considerably in size. As the arthrospores matured, they tended to separate as a result of a gradual change in the shape of the arthrospores to a nearly spherical form and also as the result of simultaneous degradation of the outermost cell wall layer. The mature arthrospores were surrounded by a complex cell wall consisting of at least three distinct layers in addition to the original hyphal cell wall. Crystal-like structures were seen in the cytoplasm of some of the arthrospores in addition to the usual organelles such as mitochondria, nuclei, and ribosomes. Septum formation by centripetal cell wall growth from the lateral hyphal wall was documented by transmission electron microscopy. However, evidence was also found which suggested that not all internal cell wall development in the fungal hyphae during arthrosporogenesis necessarily led to the formation of mature arthrospores.

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