
As rifting progresses to seafloor spreading, extension within the continental crust commonly is accommodated by a combination of fault slip and dike intrusion. Consistent patterns in the spatial arrangement of long-lived magma intrusion zones in the Ethiopian and Afar rift sectors, East Africa, suggest that the magma intrusions help to localize strain during repeated rifting episodes. Within the broad Main Ethiopian Rift, extensional deformation has localized since ∼3m.y. in narrow magmatic segments, that are oriented oblique to the orientation of the Miocene border faults, but (sub-) orthogonal to the extension direction. Numerical models combined with geophysical and geological observations from East Africa are used to examine the viability of self-sustaining magmatic segmentation. Initiation of the magmatic segments is shown to result from magma injections, which focus strain in narrow elongated zones. During magmatic phases of segment evolution the segments are weak, and extensional stresses localize at the rift tips, promoting along-axis lengthening. During amagmatic phases of extension, the numerical models predict strain localization within the magmatic segments and, to a lesser extent, broadly distributed extension within the rift zone. This promotes segment stability; the segments remain the preferred location for magma intrusion during new magmatic phases. These results are applied to the formation and maintenance of MER segmentation. The Fentale–Dofen segment is currently in a non-magmatic phase of extension; the Dabbahu segment in the Red Sea Rift is currently experiencing a rifting episode and therefore is in a transient magmatic cycle. The observed patterns of instantaneous localized deformation, seismicity, and dike intrusions sometimes propagating beyond the tip of the magmatic segments occur as predicted by the models.

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