
The introduction to the article substantiates the relevance of the topic of forming the historical memory of young people in a changing society. The article demonstrates the scientific-theoretical and practical significance of the sociological study of this problem. The technique of longitudinal research of historical memory is presented. The object of the study: graduate students of general secondary education and first and second year students of higher education in Grodno (Republic of Belarus). The main part of the article deals with the evolution of the historical memory of the Belarusian youth. The empirical basis of the work is formed by the results of three sociological surveys conducted in 2010, 2014 and 2021. The surveys were conducted according to the same methodology type. The goal was to identify the features and tendencies of the formation and the evolution of the historical memory of pupils and students, the level of knowledge and ideas about the events of the Great Patriotic War, assessments of the past and attitude to significant historical events. The mechanisms of formation and intergenerational transmission of historical memory are described. Based on the obtained empirical data, the content features of the historical memory of the Great Patriotic War are analysed. The most important source of formation of the historical memory of young people is school and university education. Most of the respondents note the absolute relevance in the modern society of the theme of the Great Patriotic War and the heroical deeds by the USSR peoples. The change of generations actualises the role of the family as an institution of the historical memory of young people. The article describes the influence of such socialising factors as movies, the Internet, television. The role of commemorations as a source of formation of the historical memory of living generations is considered. The results of the conducted studies are of practical importance. The obtained data were introduced into the educational process organised in institutions of general secondary and higher education. The materials and conclusions were recommended to government bodies and other organisations to be used in the development of the main directions of the state youth policy in the Republic of Belarus and its implementation across the country. At the end of the article, conclusions are presented based on the results of the study. The consolidating role of historical memory in the development of modern society is emphasised.

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