
Deep X-ray surveys have shown that the cosmic X-ray background (XRB) is largely due to the accretion onto supermassive black holes, integrated over the cosmic time. These surveys have resolved more than 80% of the 0.1-10 keV X-ray background into discrete sources. Optical spectroscopic identifications show that the sources producing the bulk of the X-ray background are a mixture of obscured (type-1) and unobscured (type-2) AGNs, as predicted by the XRB population synthesis models. A class of highly luminous type-2 AGN, so called QSO-2s, has been detected in the deepest Chandra and XMM-Newton surveys. The new Chandra AGN redshift distribution peaks at much lower redshifts (z~0.7) than that based on ROSAT data, indicating that Seyfert galaxies peak at significantly lower redshifts than QSOs.

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