
AbstractWe describe the results of our numerical simulations of the collapse of a massive stellar core to a BH, performed in the framework of full general relativity incorporating finite-temperature equation of state and neutrino cooling. We adopt a 100 M⊙ presupernova model calculated by Umeda & Nomoto (2008), which has a massive core with a high value of entropy per baryon. Changing the degree of rotation for the initial condition, we clarify the dependence of the outcome on this. When the rotation is rapid enough, the shock wave formed at the core bounce is deformed to be a torus-like shape. Then, the infalling matter is accumulated in the central region due to the oblique shock at the torus surface, hitting the hypermassive neutron star (HMNS) and dissipating the kinetic energy there. As a result, outflows can be launched. The HMNS eventually collapses to a BH and an accretion torus is formed around it. We also found that the evolution of the BH and torus depends strongly on the rotation initially given.

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