
Electron-stimulated desorption of ${\mathrm{Ar}}^{+}$, ${\mathrm{Ar}}_{2}^{+}$, ${\mathrm{Ar}}^{2+}$, and ${\mathrm{Kr}}^{+}$ ions from solid Ar and Kr was studied for the electron energy range from 10 to 120 eV. For ${\mathrm{Ar}}^{+}$ and ${\mathrm{Ar}}_{2}^{+}$ excitation resonances with onsets at 24.2, 25.4, 34, and 50 eV have been found. The two lowest thresholds cannot be explained by excitations of single Ar atoms. They are interpreted as pairs of interacting surface and bulk excitions, respectively, on neighboring atoms. The bulk species can diffuse over more than 100 layers. Novel conclusions about the desorption mechanism can be derived.

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