
The paper is devoted to the first stage in the development of seismic observations in Russia, covering the period from the late 19th century to the 1930s. The study aims to reconstruct the process of organisation of systematic instrumental seismic observations. The objectives of the study included identifying the main organisational forms of seismic observations, methods and equipment used in these observations, as well as analysing the main scientific results. It was established that the leading role in the emergence and development of seismic observations in Russia was played by a prominent physicist, academician B.B. Golitsyn. He had not only organised a network of I and II category seismic stations but also developed a seismograph with galvanometric recording of his own design for these stations. It is shown that a vast and full-rigged seismic network, the world’s only, enabled tackling a number of important scientific problems. As a result of the organisational and scientific works conducted during this period, the basic principles for the well-rounded assessment of seismic hazard were developed that remain relevant to this day.

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