
Historically, the Joseph Volokolamsk Monastery in all periods of its existence played a significant role not only in the spiritual, political, ideological, and economic life of Russia, but was also an important educational center. The monastery continues development of these traditions, founded by venerable Joseph Volotsky, to this day. The article examines a new phenomenon for Russia, social orphanhood, as a problem of modern society. Legislative acts defining the status of a social orphan and his relationship with society are given. Based on archival documents, a retrospective of the activities of the Joseph Volokolamsk Monastery in working with youth and helping orphans and the suffering is given. The historical aspects of Orthodox rehabilitation pedagogy in relation to orphans are indicated. Statistics of these activities and a historical retrospective of the relationship between the church and the state in the pre-revolutionary years and the years of Soviet power are given. The works of a number of Orthodox authors — teachers, ascetics, philosophers and educators, providing the basis for the development of Orthodox rehabilitation pedagogy — are examined in retrospective. The patristic foundations of the spiritual and moral education of modern teenagers — social orphans in Russia are indicated. The historical foundations and principles of modern educational, spiritual and moral rehabilitation mission of the brethren of the monastery in collaboration with the teams of social rehabilitation centers for minors are given. Individual programs for spiritual and moral rehabilitation of social orphans are offered.

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