
The article covers the formation and the most important stages of Rospotrebnadzor development. The period under consideration makes up 100 years: from 1922 till present days, during which the search for the most effective and optimal forms of the service activity organization was carried out. The article also analyzes the legal provision of sanitary-epidemiological service both in the process of formation and in the period of its reforming. As it is mentioned in the article, the State sanitary-and-epidemiologic supervision activity as a measure aimed at preventing and liquidating foci of infectious diseases, as well as improving sanitary condition in the country is considered to exist since the Decree of the Soviet of National Commissars of the RSFSR of September 15, 1922, “On sanitary bodies of the Republic” was issued. The pre-war period of the state work in the direction of sanitary provision of the country is characterized by the active construction of the system of centralized SES. After the Great Patriotic War the health care reform was carried out. Up to the collapse of the Soviet Union the specialists were creating vaccines against dangerous infectious diseases and developing the efficient rules of their control. The experience of Soviet medics is widely used today; in particular, it was Russian scientists who were the first in the world to create a vaccine against a new coronavirus infection. To combat the spread of COVID-19, a high-preparedness regime was developed and introduced, the results of which should be reflected in the Russian legal system in the future.

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