
Introduction. The main objective of this article is to study the historical and legal aspects of the formation and development of international standards in the field of linguistic rights of indigenous peoples. This topic is particularly relevant in connection with the proclamation of the period 2022–2032 International Decade of Indigenous Languages by UN General Assembly. Materials and Methods. The research methodology is based on a systematic approach that incorporates the historical, formal-legal, system-structural methods of scientific knowledge. The material was provided by the main international legal documents in the field of the linguistic rights of indigenous peoples, research by Russian and international authors on the legal status of indigenous peoples, and the protection of their linguistic rights in particular. Results and Discussion. Based on the analysis of international legal acts, the following can be distinguished among the linguistic rights of indigenous peoples: the right to preserve and use native languages in private and publicly; the right to education in the mother tongue; the right to create and have access to the media in their native languages; the right to recognize indigenous languages in constitutions and national laws; the right to a life free of linguistic discrimination and other rights. The article also discusses the main UN mechanisms and tools in the field of ensuring and protecting the rights of indigenous peoples. The protection of the linguistic rights of indigenous peoples is currently carried out by numerous specialized agencies such as UNESCO, United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples and etc. An important mechanism for promoting the theme of languages of indigenous peoples, the unification of partners and resources for joint action around the world was the proclamation by the UN General Assembly of the International Year of Indigenous Languages (2019) and the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022–2032). Conclusion. At the level of the international community, it formed a serious understanding of the need to preserve and develop languages, the realization of the linguistic rights of indigenous peoples, which will be facilitated by the International Decade of Indigenous Languages.


  • The article presents the results of research of the geographical vocabulary of the Shilan dialect, one of the Erzya-Mordovian dialects of the Samara region, common among Erzya population of Shilan village in Krasnoyarsk region

  • The analysis of the geographical vocabulary of the Shilan dialect is carried out with the involvement of relevant items made in other Mordovian dialects of Samara region, adjacent territories of neighboring regions, as well as other territories of settlement of the Mordovians

  • This paper considers some features of noun morphology in the translation of the “Gospel of Luke” (1821) into the Erzya language, namely the indicators of such grammatical categories of the noun as number, case and the categories of possessiveness and definiteness

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Также обращает на себя внимание тот факт, что в мордовских говорах немногочисленных для Самарского Поволжья сел, основанных, как и Шилан, в XIX в., термин ляй/лей присутствует и является топогенетичным. В шиланском говоре полностью отсутствует термин эрьке, что составляет редчайшую для мордовских говоров Самарского Поволжья ситуацию. Согласно данным наших полевых исследований, во многих мордовских говорах региона термин эрьке в значении ‘озеро’ в настоящее время также не используется – в основном ввиду вытеснения заимствованием из русского языка. Что в большинстве мордовских говоров Самарского Поволжья данный термин, при наличии в географическом лексиконе, топогенетичным не является. В большинстве эрзя-мордовских говоров Самарского Поволжья термин имеет именно такую форму и, как и в шиланском говоре, топогенетичным не является. 14 ПМА: Самарская область, Клявлинский район, запись 2019 г.

14. Основы финно-угорского языкознания
14. Fundamentals of Finno-Ugric linguistics
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