
This paper describes the stages of formation and development of the historical and law school at the Law Faculties of the University. Special attention is paid to the analysis of historical and scientific law school, reveals research activities most prominent historians of law and state law faculty in the history of law. The article shows that the Department of History of State and Law Lviv National University was founded as part of the Faculty of Law, according to the diploma Austrian Emperor Joseph II in 1784 established that during 1784‑887 the Department was entitled «Department of History of the German and Austrian law». From 1874 to 1887 the department was headed by K. Liska, who gave a history of Austrian law. In addition to his work at the Department G. Roszkowska who read the philosophy of law and international law, F. Hryzetskyy ‑ Church and state law, A. Fanahor ‑ Polish private law, F. Zrodlovskyy ‑ Roman law. Determined that in 1887 a joint decision of administration and the Senate (Academic Council) at the Faculty was established also chair of the history of Polish law. Argued that it was the second such department in the territory and province of Galicia Lodomeria. The first was established in 1877 in Krakow Jagiellonian University. Since the head of the department for prof. A. Baltsera who headed the department for more than forty years, using well-deserved authority and respect among the Lviv intelligentsia, teachers and students. While the department has intensified study of the history of Poland early-feudal, caste government in the Kingdom of Poland, the period of gentry Commonwealth (1505–1788 gg.) And more. Since 1887/1888 academic year Professor. A. Baltser launched at the Department a statement of the subject «History of Polish procedural law». Read course for two semesters, 5 hours each week. In 1894 due to changes in curriculum, the department decided to also read a course on «History of government of Austria.» For him responsible professor. A. Baltser. It is shown that the history of Polish law department was reorganized into the Department of German law. P. Dombkovskyy was appointed its head January 1, 1916 after the First World War, when the independent Polish state revived, Ministry of Education and religions Poland 1 April 1919 P. Dombkovskomu assigned the title of Professor of course, but at Lviv University Senate elected him to head the department reorganized old Polish Private Law Faculty of Lviv University. Outlined in Lviv in the early twentieth century. faces a complicated political situation. Continued Ukrainian-Polish War for East Galicia, which began November 1, 1918 ‑ between the West Ukrainian National Republic and Poland. Classes at the University of L’viv longer actually not performed, department and faculty did not act. After the death of professor of history right Lviv University Halbana A. P. Dombkovskyy further (temporary) also headed the Department of Western European law, and the death of prof. Baltsera A. (1933) was the leading teacher full course of history of law in Poland. According to the decision of the Council of Ministers of Poland on February 26, 1920 transferred to the University of Lvov use Galician regional house of the Diet, which effectively ceased operations in 1914, and legally in 1918 Deals that during the Second World War Department and the University as a whole has not acted. After the restoration in 1944 of the university, created the department of theory and history of law. Under this name department functioned until 2008 Over the years the department was headed by prof. P. Dombkovskyy (1925‑1934 рр. And 1944–1946 gg.), Prof. P. Nedbaylo (1946–1954 gg.), Assistant professor. B. Kalinovych (1954–1960 gg.), Prof. B. Sokurenko (1960–1990 gg.). Since 1990 the department is headed by B. Tischikov Distinguished Professor of Lviv National University, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, which is one of the leading scientists of Ukraine in the history of law, a sort of «patriarch» of science, his name as reputable and experienced scientist teacher widely known in Ukraine and abroad.

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