
The digitalization of the economy and society requires not only technical and technological changes, but also the transformation of employee competencies in accordance with modern requirements for the professional qualification level of employees of the digital economy. The purpose of the work is to study the institutional and organizational factors of formation and development of digital competencies in the context of digitalization of the economy and society. The research uses an abstract-logical method, a systematic approach and methods of institutional analysis, a hypothetical method and deductions. The paper examines the approaches to the definition of “digital skills”, “digital competencies”, “digital literacy”, which are key in the Concept of digital competencies. The assessment of the consistency of the action plan for the implementation of the Concept of development of digital competencies with the declared tasks for the formation and development of digital competencies of citizens is given. Approaches to the classification and separation of levels of digital competence are considered. Emphasis is placed on the need to update the competency models of workers in all industries in connection with changes in labor functions, objects and means of work, requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of staff under the influence of digitalization of the economy and society. Conclusions are made about the inconsistency of professional and educational standards with the needs of the modern labor market, which causes the mismatch of competencies of graduates of educational institutions to the needs and requirements of employers. The impact of digitalization processes on the transformation of key competencies and their combination, the emergence of new professions requires constant monitoring and consideration in regulations in order to harmonize digital, labor and educational development.

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