
An overview of the formation, development and sustainable operation of the scientific school of organization and planning of construction and reconstruction on the basis of the Department of Planning and Organization of Production of the State Higher Educational Institution “Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”. The Department of Planning and Organization of Production of the State Higher Education Institution “Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture” was founded at the Dnepropetrovsk Civil Engineering Institute in 1956 under the name “Organization and Economics of Construction”. For more than 60 years of existence, the Department of Planning and Organization of Production has become a center for the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge, training of qualified specialists. Representatives of the scientific school of organization and planning of construction and reconstruction do research on the development of organizational and technological solutions for the reconstruction of industrial and civil buildings, comprehensive reconstruction of housing, construction of affordable housing, construction of high-rise buildings in dense urban development. Teachers of the Department of Planning and Organization of Production combine scientific and pedagogical activities with entrepreneurial activity in the construction industry, which allows to make the content of academic disciplines as close as possible to the real conditions of construction production. Responding to the challenges of today, scientists of the department pass international exams with international certificates confirming the level of English B2. As a result of the performed research works, more than 50 monographs, textbooks and normative documents were published. Today the department of planning and organization of production has a strong and well-coordinated teaching staff. The secret of the department's success for many decades is the heredity of traditions and principles of research and scientific-pedagogical activities, which were laid down, continued and developed for three generations of researchers.

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