
Quad format as an instrument of the United States in competition with the People’s Republic of China In the last years, international tensions in the Indo-Pacific region have become more frequent and intense. Some of them are caused by the spectacular economic growth of the People’s Republic of China in the last 40 years, which implies Beijing’s increasingly assertive stance on the international stage and the growth of China’s military power. To counterbalance the growing power of the People’s Republic of China, Indo-Pacific countries will steadily increase their focus on opportunities to operate in the framework of multilateral formats. One of them is Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad), which includes Australia, India, Japan, and the United States. The Quad group, due to the potential of its members, has a chance to become a format that will effectively inhibit China from potential aggressive actions in the Indo-Pacific region. However, because of the existing disparities within the Quad countries, as well as the ongoing rivalry between Beijing and Washington for world supremacy, the United States may use the format too instrumentally. The success of the Quad group in the future will be determined by US’s attitude related to the partnership-based treatment of the other three format members.

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