
The epidemic of formarrhoea blighting adult mental health services is spreading to child and adolescent mental health. Threatening to arrive all about the same time are forms to do with risk assessment, care programme approach, outcome and activity recording, Commission for Health Improvement, child protection, assessment of trainees … and more. They will likely cause an avalanche when added to the mountain of existing forms and Government circulars already piled up on my desk. Forms are increasingly governing all aspects of clinical practice. They threaten to get in the way of doing the job.


  • Military psychiatry in Jordan provides an interesting experience of treating both military personnel and civilians

  • Military psychiatrists have had a leading role in establishing psychiatric services in Jordan and have supplied the psychiatric society with excellent ex-military psychiatrists, who work in the private sector and in universities

  • I have heard that a Trust is to create a post of Risk Manager to oversee all the policies and forms

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Threatening to arrive all about the same time are forms to do with risk assessment, care programme approach, outcome and activity recording, Commission for Health Improvement, child protection, assessment of trainees . Forms are increasingly governing all aspects of clinical practice. My fear is that the heart of good clinical practice, the clinician-client relationship, will be so controlled by forms and procedures that there will be little time or energy left to develop rapport.

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