
The gaps left in the initial training, particularly in the degree in Mathematics and the necessary continuing education, require special attention in the continuing education of teachers. This article presents part of a survey of 12 math teachers of basic education for a continuing education course in Mathematical Modeling in Education Online Distance mode, via software Moodle. In this work there is the category contributions and interactions of online distance education mode, via Moodle software. The guiding imbricated question is: What contributions and interactions are provided by Moodle software tools in online distance education? The aim is to analyze and see, from the manifestations of teachers, expressed in number of tools Moodle and perception of the researcher if they contribute successfully to the development and course objectives. The theoretical framework is supported by the Mathematical Modeling in Mathematics Education in reflective practice that supports teacher training and approach to living together in virtual online distance education mode. The research is qualitative in nature and processing of the data follows the method of triangulation and inductive analysis, involving the empirical data, researcher and theoretical, in the light of the principles of Bogdan and Biklen (1994). The results indicate that software tools Moodle contribute satisfactorily in online distance education courses, however highlight the need for some adjustments, with insights and more time in a few steps, and more constant presence of the tutor in activities to maximize the potential the Moodle tools.

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